Wild Therapy.
Wild Therapy looks to connect traditional therapies with ecological thinking where we consider each species, each being, each person as inherently and profoundly linked to each other.
Wild therapy works towards recognising the endless complexity of our existence where we realise that 'wildness', a state where things are allowed to happen of their own accord, is far more intricate than our domesticated society, just how a wild forest is deeply complex when compared to a manicured garden.
Traditional psychotherapy works with people in tolerating the anxieties of not being in control - of our feelings, our thoughts, our body, our future. In relation to nature it seems that our efforts to control it are destroying it: the more we try to control things, the further out of balance we push them.
Wild Therapy brings together a wide range of existing ideas and practices creating encounters with nature. It helps you to explore your connection to nature and in doing so considering how we too can exist in all our wildness without the need for so much control.